(The Full Version) Biography of ChaplinLife.com, (The Chaplin Community)

The Full Biography of The Chaplins, (The Chaplin Community)
-The 33 is Chaplin Community. Organized 2009.

   "Chaplins is an organization that provides entertainment as
well as many other entrepreneurial endeavors. We believe
with our well crafted, idea piling pyramid,we can manage to
streamline and skyrocket our suburb super stardom."
Whenever the concrete settles, the steel will rise.
It is like the flower that grew out of concrete.

Chaplins Forever.
Forever Chaplins.


 The Chaplins started out as a bike club without bikes. In 2003, the founder & president of the ''33''
had a vision that sparked him with extreme urgency.  In 2009, it finally had a name. Even today,
if endeavors may look or seem irrelevant, they are highly likely to be not.
  This bikeless bike club was a particular large as well as very young group that were extremely
interested in motorcycles as well as the lifestyle of the outlaw biker. Failing on first try's for
motorcycle legalization or not having enough money to buy bikes at the time became a common
upset among fellow members. Some were very irritated to say the least. Even though many
members wound up still getting bikes, ''The Chaplins'' eventually evolved into more of a community.
''The Chaplins'' have a much deeper meaning then what meets the eye. The message reveals
itself as it evolves, even to itself. This is what will always make the Chaplin Community relevant
to the latest times and culture; Now, and in the future decades to come.  

  "The Chaplins" were originally named after a certain sect of mercenaries, named ''Chaplains''.
These mercenaries were known for visiting places to comfort and soothe those with prayer;
in places normal society would dare not cross. They were known to frequent prisons, jails,
battle fields, gutters, as well as many other dangerous and unpredictable grounds. There
was nothing pretty about the Chaplains' mission to the world. Yet, they believed their
immense power and determination came from a higher source trusting them for a greater good.
A greater message for all of humanity.

"It was not much after but it was not simultaneously either, it was just the mercenary idea
came first, followed up by the famous Charlie Chaplin."
-Matty -DICE- Bellizzi

    The first time the set name was written down, it happened to be misspelled. Misspelling
''Chaplains'' to ''Chaplins'' was something that is now believed among the group as that of
destiny... They later decided to make the moniker their own.
   Even though there is a possibility that the "black and white"  (or ''white and black)" have now
adapted into a reference to Charlie Chaplin, at the moment of creation it was not. That homage
and respect was realized after. This is one of many reasons why superstition and fate were
called into question. After some time, the community raised into the belief that anyone who
embraced the Chaplin message must accept it as fact that their creation came about from
something divine, not of this world. Also, that they were not established in vein, therefore they
can never and will never be fueled by a hoax. Very real.

Before ''The Chaplins'' were born

    Way back since 2003, before this bikeless bike club was even thought about , let alone
considered, there were many trial and errors from the founder of gaining and organizing
like minded individuals with the same mindset; loyalty, love, and being a part of something
much bigger then themselves. Also, to be able to trust that the satisfaction of sacrifice is
much greater then the satisfaction that any materialistic want can ever bring. Chaplins believe
they live in an epiphany, accompanied with feelings of bliss and euphoria. The subliminal
messages in detail, seem to reveal themselves more as time passes. They once described
themselves as finding a large bag of money with a name card signed to yourself, during
a walk to the park. Chaplins (and chaplettes) challenge themselves within their life with
their own mindset and doctrine. One point in particular that they believe, is that "Although
we are all human beings...if someone believes their spirit heard a calling, they would be
foolish not to answer."

   After seeing some involved were actually motivated for only superficial reasons, the Chaplins
received many answers to some remaining questions. The many lessons that were taken away
from this experience was what made it so sure that it actually was a life long destiny, That the
real Chaplins were trained apart in their own way for this vital time in space since childhood,
maybe even since birth. If it was not them to be relied upon to spread this knowledge, then
someone else would of been given the gift to. This knowledge was explained to be a ''Knowledge
and idea like no other," The message of this extraordinary community, is vital to existence in
oneself. Most may agree that, in extreme cases, extreme measures must be carried out.
In this logic, a Chaplin also refers to himself as "A gangster, and a gentlemen."

"WE ARE A PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER. Yet, the exact case of entertainment
was our pinnacle rise."
 - Chaplins, 2012

   Breaking bread as a group is believed among society as a risky task. Some believe it's wise to
not get involved with family in business. Some disregard this belief, and some even ridicule it.
Even still, since the beginning of time there has been a want (even need) by others to be a part
of something monumental for nothing but selfish gain. Yet when times get drastic, there usually
is a better chance to realize truth. Usually, the cracks will be what reveals the light. 

"In 2009 the message finally had a name, The name was Chaplins ...."
  The Message is Entertainment

 But how could something such as show business and entertainment be so vital to our future?
That very question is what answers it. Chaplin.

- Beef
There were many times of not the safest of affairs yet duty called and it was time to set
the mark of the Chaplin community. It was something that had to be done. At that time
there were so many adversity's that the only way the Chaplins were able to help their
adversity's was to defeat them, to teach them a lesson in the 33. The Almighty.
  It may of been strange times yet the choice wasn't up to them. It was more like something
that came from a higher reason. It had to be carried out in order to stay on top, where it belonged.
The messages do not necessarily come from the founder. The Chaplins are just mere
 messengers of something far greater then imaginable.The fact that his whole life was dedicated to
one asset and one mission only may express that. It had to be brought forth to show others that subliminality,
miracles, fantasy, as well as dreams are possible to reach reality. That if you study yourself and others
enough, you may find something buried deep beneath your soul that is hidden in their spirit as well..
Both waiting to be discovered. Or it may be someone who is worthy enough to take on an impossible task
for a greater reason; Which is exactly what will make it succeed. For the fact that it can't and still is,
is what will energize it always, forever. The Chaplins are the future. 33 was NOT created to be defeated.

"The Chaplins' paramount value is not about comedy, thriller, action or drama. It is not a gang or a cult.
 It may be the music, but the paramount value is entertainment."

   Some time after, the Chaplin Community went underground. Never instinct. Just beneath the streets.
It was a time of reflection. It was a mindset that had to be achieved. It was new lessons, and it was also
a spring cleaning of the fake. Having put the Chaplin name on hold but never it's goals, the community
learned the art of being ubiquitous
  On memorial day weekend in 2010, there was a  breaking point in Chaplin history. A 'since childhood'
ambition of Hollywood knocks on the 33's door. New chaps from California were now placed in involvement.
The very first meeting of one another happened in Seaside Heights, NJ, particularly upon accident. This
first meeting is also credited to their beliefs of a destiny and fate like no other that has continued to guide
 them. This is mainly because of thoughts the founder and president of the chaplins had 3 nights before.
After waking up from a dream, the founder wrote a song about it entitled "Hollywood Smoke City".
Three days later Hollywood came in disguise out of a party filled weekend. California will always play
a very outstanding role in the Chaplin Community. The meeting of fate was a success. Chaplins.
  After opening up new chapters the founder of the Chaplins goes from the streets
to executive suites and takes a small club from a small city and flips it into a
corporation from New York that stretches out to California. As a result, this brought about many other
prestigious connections to the Chaplin Calling. Now joining two very different goals in one,
it all makes sense now to 33. Fate is finally recognized to explain itself. This came as a honor and
privilege to Chaplins to be able to uphold such a viewpoint in great esteem and respect.

  In 2010-2011 the president made an official comeback with the entire community alongside him.
This sequel, not surprisingly, managed to send shock waves throughout the entire show business
and entertainment industry. This was in addition to the mainstream and underground public as well.

This return was going to bring a debut album that stretched back from the realization of the Chaplin
message in 2003 that inspired the official establishment of The Chaplin Community in 2009. This debut
would first be a celebration release in New York City followed by taking the message to Hollywood
(Los Angeles) California, a checkpoint in one of the many lifelong dreams of the 33. It is also
one of the many important pieces of the puzzle that may reveal more clarity in the Chaplins' message
to humanity. The viewer is left to choose to explore the undeniable feeling they experience when they
are magnetized into what this group refers to as...The Chaplin Community.

The 33 Entertainment society officially installed again September of 2010.
"It's a Sequel..."
  Chapters were again reinstated in Jersey City NJ, New York City NY, and now in Los Angeles CA
Long Beach CA and San Diego CA to name a few cities in particular. There were also some old as well as new associates and prospects in Pa as well as FL

IT WAS ALWAYS something that was never in vein. Never in contradiction. Black and White, forever.
- The Chaplins. Class of 2010

   When the Chaplins assembled again for a sequel, with a few new
faces, this time around was the moment all have been waiting for, the change of climate,
the breaking point of all... There was to be a debut album alongside a short movie set to be
released in 2011. As an official comeback by the founder, the name of the debut album was
entitled "The Official Redundancy". The meaning was the message that was referred to and
repeated by himself as well as Chaplin campaigns countless times since 2003, to the point
of redundancy, was going to finally have it's official unveiling. Everything that has been
spoken about, is now finally here to be released. This was the long awaited epic debut that
was shunned by some, courted by others, questioned by most, and intrigued by all. The ones
who weren't yet touched have not yet heard the Chaplin calling. They will hopefully soon realize
that their possibilities will always be endless., and that what they want may just might want them.
There are so many ideas that are actually realistic because of the belief.
  Completely coincidental, youth's culture and diversity continue to play a huge role in the entertainment
they continue to provide.This has been explained to be nothing more then a side effect from their
ambition to share something meaningful to the world. Chaplins believe that others can benefit highly
from their doctrine. After the short film and some capaigning ,The Chaplins had the New York City
celebration New Year's Eve of 2010. The year before was in succession, and the upcoming year was going to be extraordinary. Everyone says epic but it does not deliver, yet entertainment to them came easy. They understood that the black and white still are much more then that. They had more then one cause. More then one mission, they had an obligation to the entertainment industry as saviors. Chaplin World Entertainment is an organization frightenely originative in addition to setting a new trend. Their plan was to spread the knowledge of the Chaplins, spread the vision and to expand the family. Everyone says "I am the best" so if they said that it would not matter. What they have that others don't is something that can not particularly be explained, yet. They are a saga, an ongoing series that you must stay tuned to as the story continues to unfold. The Chaplin Community is what is in need right now. Yet even still, they are not trying to reinvent the wheel.

 After their New York city celebration events, they released a 20 minute segment film that
left everyone at a "To be continued" high note. After that, everyone had an opinion.
 At that point in time as much as bystanders did not want to admit it, The Chaplin Community had America at a dead stop gun smoking stand still... this album is more then just an album. It's an epiphany. It's the end of the beginning. It's a pinnacle rise. It's the official first check point in the Chaplin community. The debut album, The Official Redundancy, by the founder and president of the Chaplin Community, Matthew Angelo Bellizzi also known as Matty -DICE- Bellizzi, was set to be released on 4th of July... Independence Day. This is when the Chaplins took a k turn into the entertainment world. This is when the Chaplins took on the vicinity of Charlie Chaplin. Charles Chaplin was a man who had a vision for changing the way films and entertainment as a whole would be done forever. He had a vision that shaped and paved the way for many, in many ways. When he brought his ideas to the entertainment mongols in L.A. California they turned him down. The exact words they gave him were you will
never be able to market this. Not phased in the least bit by any negative comments, he set out to make history on his own, which he did in tenfold. His legacy will live on forever. This is why completing the campaign for the first record in L.A, was what gave the album it's confirmation. It truly was a feeling of destiny because there were too many coincidences around it. The idea of having acess to something so mind boggling so mind staggering and knowing how much of a cross over and new trend the Chaplins may be, it remained quietly acknowledged yet grandiosely felt that this was something much bigger then another rapper with another album. After tying in
together, The Chaplins (and cHAPLETTES) release their first official website, 4-16-11 without having absolutely any knowledge that this happened to be Charlie Chaplin's birthday. The coincidence of this to the community was something they found to be so chilling... So shocking... The Chaplins are much more then what meets the eye. the founder knew that he was on the right path of a destiny he asked to be revealed of back in 2003. The way everything fit together gave Goosebumps to everyone involved.

 It was something truly amazing to see the Chaplin message spread like wildfire. It
was something like a brush fire to the masses,. It seems like everyone felt and
understood exactly why. For a period in time, on every popular social network some Chaplin members began to change their otherwise normal default picture into a black and white version of it. This small trend started to spread to more members and associates. Then to the female followers (which later developed the name cHAPLETTES.)
Some of the surprisingly hundreds who did this will dispute to this day that the ones who changed their default pictures into a b&w version was in honor of the Chaplins. ALL still know yet some still rather keep it to themselves for ego driven reasons. What just about all of the fortunate bystanders did to their online pictures during the chaplin sequel of 2010-2011 was because of what they felt in instinct towards the Chaplin Community. For some it was intentional, others maybe did this without realizing why, Even if some now rather not admit that to themselves,  it was very real. It was the public, every single person who acknowledged what they felt. It was their soul and spirit in communion with The Chaplins.

- Setting the Stage/Chaplins like never before
The last days were kind of "weird" to say the least. After
California, the streets were pretty quiet. The album "The Official Redundancy" was postponed.
The mission did not change in any way. It was because the seasons had spoken. There was a verdict
 in the Chaplin life, despite the actual album being completed.
   It was not out of necessity to them necessarily, It was what had to be felt at that particular moment
in time to not only themselves, but to the general public as well. This season was to meditate on the evolution, The future of the Chaplins. It became a calm. There have
been seasons close to this, yet this time was different. It was truly a calm.

    The Chaplins are currently again reinventing. They will eventually resurface. This time with a much stricter approach. There truly is a real ending. It is not a game. The Chaplins are here, right now, for reasons you would not believe anyway.

Copyright, The Chaplin Community Est. 2009 All Rights Reserved.


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