Bullshitting September. 3

I'm at a crossroads of fuck and damn. I'm either gonna collapse or just get 
By but I want more. I don't see it being caught. If I am not making sense to you then I am sure I never will because this is for the hearts that have been torned before. The flesh that has been scorned before. The hate mail that has been warned before ... The clothes with holes that have been worn before. If you don't know what a bump in the dark feels like you would not understand. It is not about black or white, rich or poor ... It matters if you faced that chapter in your life that you cannot stop until you are finished. I am sure there is gold at the end of our tenacious trail, my silver linings say so...I still ponder if its not even real. You cannot touch a cloud if you only see the clock in your dream. 
- Matty ''Arien Styles'' Bellizzi 


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