Enigma: the poem ii


  Afraid of my own talent, I wish I could answer why. I'm sure t think 
I kinda know but it's hard to deceiver.
Afraid they wouldn't understand 
Unintentionally a nervous wreck 
For what I can't dissect . Afraid they 
Wouldn't like my storm. Afraid they
Can't sing along to the words of the 
Great. I'm sure that they just won't get it. Not give it it's chance or at least respect it. It's not about who I 
Am outside. My songs have to hit the
Charts because of what they're saying. I was more of a teacher before, now again a student learning 
About the peace war. Some of these women try to pull me out of the game. I make believe they are an enemy but it's just not the same. I made her make my lines get touched. My mind had enough but my heart wants to fix your self esteem. I am an enigma to my own imagination. 
- Matty -DICE- Bellizzi 

The fact of what the messages brought me I am on my path. I care about what I have learned and want to share it with others. It does not become easy at times. I get wrapped up in bullshit. I am like a superhero but I bullshit while I still tell the truth. The items that I learned ............... 


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