
Showing posts from December, 2015



I'll show you how to be the man (freestyle)

Coming soon.  The following announcement has been paid for by the Chaplin Community.


I'm working 

Christmas Eve

You saw it here first 

It is

"It's one of the best artists the general public has ever seen since the beginning of time." - Matty -DICE- Bellizzi 

Just in case...

You may see other videos of some members but this is the OFFICIAL YouTube page here: watch, like, comment, and subscribe now- not later, RIGHT NOW!


"The human mind has these receptors that tell you when something is right or wrong, etc... Then it has another part that just does, just reacts, speaks without thinking... The stronger the first part becomes, the weaker the second part becomes... That's why making jokes about having two personalities or alter egos is cool but in reality the worst thing someone can have is to put a limit on themselves by making excuses that this is how all brains work, it's not true! Remember you read this here..." #chaplinlife #lalasworld #jointheclub33   "Two things are infinite... Human stupidity and the universe... And I'm not even sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein That's why... When you KNOW someone has multiple personalities, seven, and they are all eager to speak...there will be smoke in the city! ~Matty -DICE- Bellizzi #MattyDICE

It's almost over

     "It was a long time but now it's over so it's finally beginning. God, you can go crazy trying to think about this. We are straight worldwide now though let me tell you. We have strong ties in Italy, we have also catapulted our clout in almost every state near you. I'm not bragging I am just stating because once it's dawn, this is all about positivity anyway. Our message comes in a very dark way because it may be. Maybe it's not. Maybe it's just a joke... We are still at a place in our hearts that we know the original black and white colors are what we are supposed to be doing. It"s still our obvious destiny."   ~ Matty -DICE- Bellizzi  #ChaplinLife #2016 #StillHere #MATTYDICE #JoinTheClub33 

Fuck it all but in a good way babay

Lol we digging man where them chips at 

Don't fix something

That is not broken. Just don't do it...  Quick little random jewel for ya  #jointheclub33 #chaplinforever

#tbt Throwback Fucking Tuesday!

#Throwback #classic #realdeal #inyourface #MattyDICE #ChaplinLife #halloffame


  #newshow #comingsoon #biggerlevel #lalasworld #chaplinlife    

December 2015 update, latest.

"Almost 2016 and..... Is time a favor? Is time your enemy? Is time your friend? We're in winter, December 2015... Get your cards in order, get your mind right. You gotta want it." #chaplinlife #jointheclub33

Now World Order!


Spoiler alert!!!!! Taxi driver the movie

Taxi driver with Robert deniro... If you never saw it then you're insane or young so again SPOILER ALERT (I have to do that because I hate when people ruin the end of movies) but ok.... Remember how it ends? Well it's not what it seems... It ends with him killing the pimp and gangsters right? Then the street girl (Iris) goes back to her parents and he goes back to his job and sees that girl he briefly dated at the end right? Ok.... Now this is not fact but it almost should be. I watch #MartinScorsese movies like they're research and I know for a fact he tried to make a little subliminal twist there for some who just might catch it.      Who do you know commits 3 murders like that (regardless if he was a self proclaimed superhero or not) and at the very least does not get let go from his job? Lol... Come on now...out of the hospital and goes RIGHT back to work labeled a hero without even a shred of recoil? A bit far fetched for reality, no?   Well........  ...