
Showing posts from April, 2015

It's nice and relaxing in here

This view is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my entire life so far :)

We are in a position that is much greater than anything this revolution has

We are in a position that is much greater than anything this revolution has ever witnessed before. We are standing in position. Organized. But it's all positive. But yes it is a cult and it is deep and crazy and may be mysterious but we do not intend it to be. We just want you to learn something to take home with you if you deserve it. 

Forever 33

We are in the most powerful school we have ever been in ever before. it really is a big deal.

Pay attention to the sounds.

Can you hear the sky? Can you hear the birds? Can you hear the birds chirping? Do you see the night sand at your toes? Are you on an island? Will you be? I'm on an island. 📍💤 *** -THE LAWS OF DICE-

The juggalos never let me down

Talk about loyalty in this wicked (pun intended) music business. Family family family family


Some won

Outstanding even before forever

I am, in a copacetic way, your mental tryptophan. It does not become as that exponentially, yet when you realize it may be too late. ~ it's Matty  Coming soon #33 - 2015 © #CHAPLINFOREVER

True love comes once

There is only one who can ignite something that can never be tamed. Love and hate are the two strongest feelings a human feels. Love can be broken down into an understanding of knowledge built together. A male and a man are two different things. Believe in the youth that never ends. The world is in love with what we have noticed. Our love is endless as G-D. It truly cannot be explained until it is felt. If it's real you can feel it. Hate is the exact opposite of love. Love is endless. Love is water. Water of endless oceans, rain showers, sun showers, love is waterfall. Head over heels is not love. It should be head held high. Confident and reassured that any rainstorm cannot intrude water's ultimate goal. 


  Poverty hurts us all regardless big or small. No matter the volume no matter the weight it's not even the money it's what it can take. A little lost mishap any mistake, it'll expose something in you that you cannot fake. It's not just the storage it's also first class. Ask Wall Street big wigs jumping out skyscrapers you would think they sky diving gucci shoes smack the floor. No parachute it ain't cute. Step on that note with steel boots. It's a hurt its a crime it's from lines uncomprehended more money more problems smart quote you know who said it. I can't. & When is life so great and when we finally make it, will karma pay me for my attitude about money? I wouldn't be surprised.  It hurts. I can only imagine. I feel like a hyprocryte so I can only imagine. Poverty needs to stop Cuz I can only imagine. Even the rich feel it so I can only imagine.  More money more problems I will repeat myself, finally struck it? Well real deal can cost y...


   "Books are the private trophies of your mind. They can also be something else, yet  can never  prove  meaningless.    There is, in fact,  not only a meaningless and   completely superfluous reason to begin a book without finishing it in it's entirety.   It is actually MORE foolish than entertaining yourself with tv. "  -  Matthew Angelo Bellizzi 

33. Originale clothing

Available ONLY at  

I'm at

A loss for words