
Showing posts from August, 2013

Ranting ..

"There's a bunch of  impresarios that call themselves musicians. Throwing some money down and talking shit on a beat does not make you a musician. Yet, you do not necessarily have to play an instrument to be a real musician. The difference is small yet crucial; I do not know what it is though. I just know it does exist. Musicians can recognize other musicians almost immediately. Having said that, if you are a true musician, it's just something you know. You won't precisely hit it on the head if someone asks you to elaborate why. It's just something you can feel. I can feel it. I knew it since before I even knew how to write my own name." ~ Matthew Angelo Bellizzi  Ever felt like you remember your own birth ? Because I think I do, it was a bright light in my face and lots of awws and I remember getting a blood test that really hurt... Maybe :| It's Matty 

Relaxing moment:

''Relaxing day, getting lots of stuff done. Trying to get REALLY on point. Like so on point it's crazy. I'm tellin' ya... Not long is it overdue, but I am also close as hell. I am almost there! Very soon I will be E V E R Y W H E R E .. My stardom will be realized in every corner of Americar!!!'' - Matty Ang Bellizzi 

Just bullshit scrap talkin'

I give them the world on a string sitting like a gargoyle  thinkinh of the game of life not much to catch up or center the light. You hear my words they get deeper then an ocean but I had to reach land so so you can taste test the potion. The light house by the ocean view it's beautiful the thought, south jersey, lot of freedom but the storm crashed it up. Restore the shore, so we can toast some more, now back to the city the concrete n steel floors. women call it wonderland, the warriors say alphabet. Warriors on abc trains to manhattan. So immature but the chains still frozen. Chicks investing money, told them its locomotion. Miss the classroom gotta get back soon. So I could still Skip detention because I'm just so cool. It's Matty. The sneakers say that I'm in for the kill. And the jeans filled with diamonds, eyes filled with the thrill. Shirt stitched  and suits made of iron. Alluminum chewed up so it matches the sun shine........... I believe in the future. Mourni...

Enigma: the poem ii

Writing:   Afraid of my own talent, I wish I could answer why. I'm sure t think  I kinda know but it's hard to deceiver. Afraid they wouldn't understand  Unintentionally a nervous wreck  For what I can't dissect . Afraid they  Wouldn't like my storm. Afraid they Can't sing along to the words of the  Great. I'm sure that they just won't get it. Not give it it's chance or at least respect it. It's not about who I  Am outside. My songs have to hit the Charts because of what they're saying. I was more of a teacher before, now again a student learning  About the peace war. Some of these women try to pull me out of the game. I make believe they are an enemy but it's just not the same. I made her make my lines get touched. My mind had enough but my heart wants to fix your self esteem. I am an enigma to my own imagination.  - Matty -DICE- Bellizzi  The fact of what the messages brought me I am on my path. I care about what I have learned and wan...

I AM A e n i g m a

Sometimes it's hard to believe that there are a rare few people on this world that get secret messages. It's something I personally wouldn't believe if it was you telling me but.... I am one of those people. Sometimes they come in dreams, sometimes I get letters in the mail with no return addresses giving me messages for the future that becomes true. One letter told me to go to California so I did. After months I had a dream telling me to come back home and I did. Both of these messages worked out in my favor. Its scary almost and I don't blame you for not believing me.. But it's true. My music will be released soon and it will explain more. Just know that the songs you hear have been written for a much greater reason. I am the future....... I am the savior of hip hop, rock, and soul.  I wouldn't blame you for asking why my messages have to be revealed in entertainment of all things. Well you have to just stay tuned as the Chaplin saga continues...  In the meant...

Dress the mind************

So I thought to myself about my youth, and how much of it I had left. I was asking myself all these selfless questions. Why selfless? I believe I had something meaningful to share with others since the morning I was born. History proved it right and ''coincidences'' confirmed them. Is it over though? I need my youth to perform this task, as well as succeed in it. Now my dilemma was mine, there were many like others yet this one felt different, but it was not. Youth is truly and definitely and absolutely and indefatigably a mindset. I come in peace. I'm here for a greater good. This should always be a common knowledge, it will. I am on your side. Are you on mine?
I'm gonna try to get to that dock 2n 

Jail story

So I've been thinking about bullshit lately I guess but there's so much more I could be doing.  Right now I'm at that crossroads. I'm looking threw bullshit and what I'm seeing at the end of the day is a lot  of bullshit. So what I'm doing is dumping it all. Imma truly bring this to another level then stay there. I am a flake but not too much longer. I wanted a foundation to work with but at the end of the day it turned into the fuckary. Right now is where I need to be and I don't know. The new life is in the genesa. Believe that. Now, ... the fact that I reached the can was a weird feeling. It's nothing to explain. You just feel boxed. It bugged me out for a bit longer then it should of and I couldn't even really tell you why. This ain't no Pussy shit believe that. Mother fuckas talk shit but you lay on that bunk bitch. You see what it is. People talk too much bullshit to themselves. You know what it is ? A bunch of n*ggaz thinking about why or ...